Can Lice Spread in Swimming Pools?

family swimming with floaties in swimming pool

Summer is in full swing and that means lots of family fun days in the pool. Gathering with friends and family to cool off from the summer heat can be just what is needed. But when head lice infestations begin to spread, is swimming worth the risk? Can lice spread in swimming pools?   Does…

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Signs Your Child May Have Head Lice!

Signs Your Child May Have Head Lice

Lice are a significant problem that affect many people, and it’s quite common in young school-age children. Removing lice on your own is quite a tedious and time-consuming task, which can be very annoying and daunting for most people. So, in such cases, you can visit any of our Lice-Free Clinics in the bay area…

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Can You Dye Your Hair After Lice Treatment?

Can You Dye Your Hair After Lice Treatment

When you’re faced with a head lice infestation, it tends to disrupt any and all plans you had. Furthermore, after all the irritation caused by the infestation, it is common to have the desire to pamper your scalp and feel fresh by dying your hair. In addition, many people assume that hair dye could provide…

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Dear Ghost of Head Lice Christmas Future

Christmas head lice stories at lice free clinics

We’ve all heard or seen the story of three Christmas ghosts that visit on Christmas Eve. They get a wayward soul to turn around their life and bring the joy of Christmas back. The ghost’s of Christmas past and present show them their mistakes and wrong doings. Then the ghost of future arrives to show…

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Signs You have Head Lice

child with short hair being checked for head lice with a comb out and magnified glass 

Thinking you have head lice can be almost as bad as actually having head lice. The panic can set in easily as you begin to wonder how you got the lice. Even worse what will you do to get rid of them? Luckily, there are some easy signs to help spot head lice and know…

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Back to School, Back to Head Lice?

back to school head lice prevention. 

While the exact logistics of students returning to school this upcoming year may look different, it can be certain that our pesky head lice friends will be waiting when they do. Schools are heaven for head lice with the large number of hosts and occasional close contact in hallways, playgrounds, and buses. While social distancing…

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Don’t Bulldoze Your House Because of Head Lice

California's Lice Clinic Cleaning After Head lice

We hear all the time of parents frantically cleaning their home after discovering a child has head lice—washing every linen, shampooing pets, bagging and quarantining pillows and stuffed animals for weeks, even throwing away things for fear of contamination. STOP!  It’s not necessary, and understanding how lice live and spread can give you peace of…

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“No-Nit” Policies Make “No-Sense”

Red head woman looking confused on why no nit policies no longer make sense

Although the CDC U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention strongly discourages “no-nit” policies in schools, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), and the National Association of School Nurses (NASN), some schools and districts still enforce a no-nit policy.   “No-Nit” means that when a child has head lice, he or she is not allowed back…

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