The Role of Weather: Do Lice Thrive More in Certain Seasons?

Head lice are a year-round nuisance, but have you ever wondered if certain seasons make infestations more likely? While these pests don’t take a vacation, shifts in weather and seasonal activities can influence how lice spread. Let’s dive into the connection between weather and lice activity so you can better prepare to protect your family.…

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Can Your Pets Catch Head Lice? Understanding Cross-Species Infestation

When battling head lice, a common concern among pet owners is whether these pesky parasites can jump from humans to their furry companions. The fear of a full-scale infestation taking over not just your family’s heads but also your pets is daunting. Let’s explore the biology and behavior of head lice to understand whether your…

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Is Spotting Lice Harder Based on Hair Color?

Lice infestations are a common nuisance, particularly among school-age children, but there’s a prevailing belief that spotting lice might be easier or harder depending on one’s hair color. Some argue that lice are more visible on lighter hair, while others claim the opposite. In this blog, we’ll examine the science behind this, and dispel any…

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Do Different Seasons Affect Head lice Infestations?

Many people speculate about the prevalence of head lice during winter and whether their ability to flourish is affected by hot or cold weather. However, these assumptions are not accurate. Head lice can thrive throughout the year, and the only discernible pattern is related to the school semester when children are in close proximity and…

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Can You Get Head Lice if You’re Bald?

bald man with beard

  No hair should mean no head lice right? Head lice are extremely small, only 2-3 mm. Lice lay their eggs at the base of the hair follicle as close to the scalp as possible. The adult lice spend their time hanging out feeding off the scalp. Without hair, you would think no head lice…

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Can Lice Spread in Swimming Pools?

family swimming with floaties in swimming pool

Summer is in full swing and that means lots of family fun days in the pool. Gathering with friends and family to cool off from the summer heat can be just what is needed. But when head lice infestations begin to spread, is swimming worth the risk? Can lice spread in swimming pools?   Does…

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Signs You have Head Lice

child with short hair being checked for head lice with a comb out and magnified glass 

Thinking you have head lice can be almost as bad as actually having head lice. The panic can set in easily as you begin to wonder how you got the lice. Even worse what will you do to get rid of them? Luckily, there are some easy signs to help spot head lice and know…

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