What to Know About Lice Eggs

head lice diagram showing lice terminology

What to Know About Lice Eggs?   If you find yourself with head lice, it won’t be long before head lice eggs appear. Head lice eggs, or nits, are the beginning of the lice life cycle and hatch into young louse quickly. Knowing how to look for head lice eggs and how to get rid…

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You’re Stuck at Home and Your Child Has Lice: Now What?

A mom hugging her child in bed not worrying because Lice Free Clinics is here to take care of all her lice concerns

These are stressful times we are living in, being stuck at home for weeks now has put a lot of strain on all of us. Having to deal with head lice on top of everything is something no one should have to worry about. Unfortunately, head lice happen. It’s spring, children came from the close…

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How to Talk About Lice with Other Parents

two adult women talking about head lice at lice free clinics

Head lice can be an uncomfortable topic to discuss, especially amongst adults. When it comes to neighborhood gatherings, PTA meetings, or lunch with the girls, the last thing anyone wants is to bring up the uncomfortable topics. Head lice is one of those topics though that seems to wedge its way into conversation at the…

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What is So Super About Super Lice?

head lice wearing a super hero cape to help discuss the importance of treating super lice in Pleasanton, CA and Concord, CA

We are a few months into the New Year and that means by now the appeal of the resolution making season has worn off a bit. Many of the new gym goers have stopped using their passes and reading their self-help books, but for a few it was the chance they needed to revamp themselves.…

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Cleaning After Head Lice

person cleaning tile floors with pink gloves after a head lice infestation

Getting rid of head lice is never an easy task, and can overwhelm even the most organized person. Ridding head lice from your home though is a completely different beast. Cleaning your home after even one member of your family has lice is important, but how do you make sure it’s done properly? And where…

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Finding the Right Lice Professional

California's Lice Clinic Head Lice Professionals

Treating head lice from home with the latest in do it yourself (DIY) lice treatment and removal techniques used to be common. Unfortunately, with the increase in super lice across the United States, including California, DIY head lice removal is no longer effective or a viable method. So, what are people supposed to do when…

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Parent’s Scariest Halloween Nightmares: #3 HEAD LICE!

head lice infestations can be scary 

Parents were asked to rank their worst parenting nightmares, and HEAD LICE ranked 3rd!  More parents fear head lice than chicken pox, pink eye, strep throat and the flu, to name a few. Only a broken bone and a broken heart scare parents more than head lice. Top 10 Parenting Nightmares Kid coming home with…

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