Holiday Head Lice Headache

Holiday Head Lice Headache   The holiday season is fast approaching, a joyful and fun time of year. Head lice can take that joyful time and turn it into a mess of a headache. We don’t want you to spend the holidays battling head lice and missing out on the fun. Our holiday head lice…

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Dear Ghost of Head Lice Christmas Future

Christmas head lice stories at lice free clinics

We’ve all heard or seen the story of three Christmas ghosts that visit on Christmas Eve. They get a wayward soul to turn around their life and bring the joy of Christmas back. The ghost’s of Christmas past and present show them their mistakes and wrong doings. Then the ghost of future arrives to show…

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Signs You have Head Lice

child with short hair being checked for head lice with a comb out and magnified glass 

Thinking you have head lice can be almost as bad as actually having head lice. The panic can set in easily as you begin to wonder how you got the lice. Even worse what will you do to get rid of them? Luckily, there are some easy signs to help spot head lice and know…

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Common Ways Adults Get Head Lice

elderly woman hugging her grandchild and touching heads, being cautious of head lice because adults get head lice too

Head lice often seems like a problem for children and not so much for adults, so when we get head lice as adults it can be a bit of a shock. Most of us haven’t thought about head lice since our elementary school days or if we have it’s because of our children. Unfortunately, head…

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Back to School, Back to Head Lice?

back to school head lice prevention. 

While the exact logistics of students returning to school this upcoming year may look different, it can be certain that our pesky head lice friends will be waiting when they do. Schools are heaven for head lice with the large number of hosts and occasional close contact in hallways, playgrounds, and buses. While social distancing…

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Cleaning Your Car After Head Lice

cleaning car after lice infestation

After the initial stress of head lice is over and the lice have been removed, parents often begin to stress over the cleaning process. How do they make sure they won’t go home and get it back? Is their home infested with head lice now? Do they need to buy new things? What are they…

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3 Common Myths About Head Lice Treatments

light bulb with arms and legs  and question marks above thinking head lice prevention

Lice may be tiny, but they are mighty and with that comes some pretty mighty myths surrounding them. For years, myths about lice have circulated. Like the idea head lice jump from head to head, when in fact lice cannot jump, instead they crawl. Or the myth that lice only like dirty hair, when lice…

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You’re Stuck at Home and Your Child Has Lice: Now What?

A mom hugging her child in bed not worrying because Lice Free Clinics is here to take care of all her lice concerns

These are stressful times we are living in, being stuck at home for weeks now has put a lot of strain on all of us. Having to deal with head lice on top of everything is something no one should have to worry about. Unfortunately, head lice happen. It’s spring, children came from the close…

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How to Talk About Lice with Other Parents

two adult women talking about head lice at lice free clinics

Head lice can be an uncomfortable topic to discuss, especially amongst adults. When it comes to neighborhood gatherings, PTA meetings, or lunch with the girls, the last thing anyone wants is to bring up the uncomfortable topics. Head lice is one of those topics though that seems to wedge its way into conversation at the…

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