Post Holiday Head Lice Increase

Holiday lights in Pleasanton

Post Holiday Head Lice Increase The time from Thanksgiving to New Years is a busy time filled with shopping, gatherings, and more. After the holidays, everything else seems to begin catching up to us. This included illness and of course head lice. All of the holiday gatherings can be the perfect place for colds and…

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Signs You have Head Lice

child with short hair being checked for head lice with a comb out and magnified glass 

Thinking you have head lice can be almost as bad as actually having head lice. The panic can set in easily as you begin to wonder how you got the lice. Even worse what will you do to get rid of them? Luckily, there are some easy signs to help spot head lice and know…

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Common Ways Adults Get Head Lice

elderly woman hugging her grandchild and touching heads, being cautious of head lice because adults get head lice too

Head lice often seems like a problem for children and not so much for adults, so when we get head lice as adults it can be a bit of a shock. Most of us haven’t thought about head lice since our elementary school days or if we have it’s because of our children. Unfortunately, head…

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