Tips for a Lice Free Halloween

three children wearing halloween costumes and knocking on a door while trick or treating

Halloween can be a fun and exciting time, but head lice can easily ruin an exciting time. The fun and spookiness of Halloween can lead to the easy spread of head lice infestations. People gathering and kids playing close together are the perfect mix for head lice. We’ve put together some tips for you to…

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What to Do if There is a Lice Outbreak at Your School

children sitting at desks facing teacher at the front of the classroom

School has been back in session for a while now and along with it head lice outbreaks. Head lice return to school just like your children every year and can wreak havoc on your children’s classroom. If there is a lice outbreak at your school, there is plenty you can do to prevent an infestation.…

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Can You Get Head Lice if You’re Bald?

bald man with beard

  No hair should mean no head lice right? Head lice are extremely small, only 2-3 mm. Lice lay their eggs at the base of the hair follicle as close to the scalp as possible. The adult lice spend their time hanging out feeding off the scalp. Without hair, you would think no head lice…

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Can I go Swimming after Lice Treatment?

Can I go Swimming after Lice Treatment

After a lice infestation, people are eager to get back to their normal lives and favorite activities. In the summer heat, one of the most commonly asked questions we see is: “Can I go swimming after a lice treatment?” After endless irritation and itching it can be tempting to dip your hair under the water…

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Dear Ghost of Head Lice Christmas Future

Christmas head lice stories at lice free clinics

We’ve all heard or seen the story of three Christmas ghosts that visit on Christmas Eve. They get a wayward soul to turn around their life and bring the joy of Christmas back. The ghost’s of Christmas past and present show them their mistakes and wrong doings. Then the ghost of future arrives to show…

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Back to School, Back to Head Lice?

back to school head lice prevention. 

While the exact logistics of students returning to school this upcoming year may look different, it can be certain that our pesky head lice friends will be waiting when they do. Schools are heaven for head lice with the large number of hosts and occasional close contact in hallways, playgrounds, and buses. While social distancing…

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Cleaning Your Car After Head Lice

cleaning car after lice infestation

After the initial stress of head lice is over and the lice have been removed, parents often begin to stress over the cleaning process. How do they make sure they won’t go home and get it back? Is their home infested with head lice now? Do they need to buy new things? What are they…

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3 Common Myths About Head Lice Treatments

light bulb with arms and legs  and question marks above thinking head lice prevention

Lice may be tiny, but they are mighty and with that comes some pretty mighty myths surrounding them. For years, myths about lice have circulated. Like the idea head lice jump from head to head, when in fact lice cannot jump, instead they crawl. Or the myth that lice only like dirty hair, when lice…

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How to Talk About Lice with Other Parents

two adult women talking about head lice at lice free clinics

Head lice can be an uncomfortable topic to discuss, especially amongst adults. When it comes to neighborhood gatherings, PTA meetings, or lunch with the girls, the last thing anyone wants is to bring up the uncomfortable topics. Head lice is one of those topics though that seems to wedge its way into conversation at the…

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